The module is examined under the Examination Board for the MA in Information & Communication Technology in Education. The Chair of the Board is Professor Richard Noss, the Course Leader for the MA in ICT in Education is Dr Martin Oliver.

Please read these instructions very carefully. Failure to abide by them may entail failure of the module. Please speak with the module tutors if you are unclear about anything here.

Assessment for this module will be on the basis of attendance at the sessions (minimum of 80% according to the official register) and a single piece of coursework of no more than 4000 words (excluding appendices, bibliography, footnotes and other addenda). Candidates are required to select one of the coursework titles that are offered on this site. If a candidate has a particular interest that they feel is not adequately covered by one of the questions then it may be possible to negotiate an alternative title in discussion with the module tutors. All coursework must directly address one or more of the themes covered by the module and generally must related directly to an interpretation of literacy and to information and communication technology.

Coursework may be in the form of a conventional or hypermedia essay. In the case of the latter, the word limit will refer to the material produced by the candidate and will not include material that is recruited from other internet sources by hyperlinks. Candidates opting for the hypermedia mode are advised that their central argument must be available within the material that they themselves produce and must be assessable without requiring assessors to scrutinise in any detail recruited material. No technical support can be made available for the production of hypermedia coursework.

Collaborative coursework is permissable within the hypermedia mode only. In the case of two or more candidates submitting joint coursework, the authorship of contributions (including the structure of the site) must explicitly identified on the site and at least twenty-five percent of the word count must be individually authored by each collaborator. Grades for individual collaborators will be awarded on the basis of a 50:50 combination of assessments of the site as a whole and their individual contributions. It is therefore important that collaborators address individually as well as collectively the grade related criteria for the assessment of masters coursework.

It is absolutely essential that the authorship of all coursework content is clearly identified. Quotations from other work—published or otherwise—should not normally exceed 200 words and must be accompanied by citation references (author's name; page number(s) (where relevant)) and full bibliographical references in a consistent, conventional format in a bibliographical list (at the end of a conventional essay). Near verbatim copies from another text may be used only where changes made to the original (generally for reasons of gramatical compliance with the main text or elision) are marked as such (generally using square brackets or three dots for an elision) and must be accompanied by a a citation reference and included in the bibliography. Under no circumstances should content from another work (by any author) be pasted into coursework other than as explicitly referenced quotations. Failure to comply with this amounts to plagiarism. Coursework is subject to digital testing for plagiarism.The Institute policy on plagiarism requires that all cases be reported to the Institute secretary for formal investigation, which will almost inevitably (and minimally) result in failure of the module.