Upgrading Registration from MPhil to PhD

Extract from IoE Regulations on Criteria for PhD

(Red text marks key differences from MPhil)

7. Specific Requirements for PhD Thesis

7.1 The scope of the thesis shall be what might reasonably be expected after three years of full-time study or the part-time equivalent and, in addition to meeting the requirements given in 6.2 to 6.12, the thesis shall:
7.1.1 form a distinct contribution to the knowledge of the field of study and afford evidence of originality and a capacity for autonomous research;

7.1.2 give a critical assessment of the relevant literature, where relevant describe the method of research and its findings,
include discussion on those findings and indicate in what respects they advance he study of the subject; and, in so doing, demonstrate a deep and synoptic understanding of the field of study;

demonstrate relevant research skills;

be of a standard to merit publication in whole or in part or in a revised form (for example, as a monograph or as a number of articles in learned journals); and

not normally exceed 80,000 words, excluding the bibliography and appendices and including footnotes endnotes, glossary, maps, tables, diagrams and references. [Appendices should only include material which examiners are not required to read in order to examine the thesis, but to which they may refer if they wish.]
[Note: The Institute may consider applications for an extension of the word limit up a maximum of 100,000 words on the recommendation of the student’s supervisor.]