The two modes of writing and of image are each governed by distinct logics, and have distinctly different affordances. The organisation of writing—still leaning on the logics of speech—is governed by the logic of time, and by the logic of sequence of its elements in time, in temporally governed arrangements. The organisation of the image, by contrast, is governed by the logic of space, and by the logic of simultaneity of its visual/depicted elements in spatially organised arrangements. To say this simply: in speaking I have to say one thing after another, one sound after another, one word after another, one clause after another, so that inevitably one thing is first, and another thing is second, and one thing will have to be last. Meaning can then be—and is—attached to 'being first' and to 'being last', and maybe to being third and so on. (Kress, 2003; pp. 1-2)
home structure & event Hartman Kress speech/time, writing/space diachronicity/synchronicity
Kress writing/image written text image text handwriting text coding coding/temporal 1
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