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Here are some selected publications and working papers, mostly available on this site.

2024. 'Mathematics Education: is it ethical'. In Ernest, P. (ed). Ethics and Mathematics Education: The good, the bad, and the ugly. Dordrecht. Springer.

2024. SAM: A Language for Education. Qeios.

2020. Authority and Ethics: A case for estrangement in educational research and research education. British Educational Research Journal. DOI: 10: 1002/berj.3639 (with Natasha Whiteman)

2015. (Thoughts on purification, liminality, art, fermented shark, mathematics, and education for creativity). In C. Bergsten & B. Sriraman (Eds). Refractions of mathematics education. Festschrift for Eva Jalonka. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing

2014. Contribution to review symposium on H. Daniels (Ed.). Vygotsky and Sociology. British Journal of Sociology of Education.

2013. 'Social Activity Method (SAM): A fractal language for mathematics.'Mathematics Education Research Journal. 25(3). 317-340 Open Access.

2012. 'Book Review: Being Barney Glaser.' Grounded Theory Review. 11(2). No page numbers.

2012. ‘Shall we do politics or learn some maths today? Representing and interrogating social inequality.’ In H. Forgasz & F. Rivera (Eds). Towards Equity in Mathematics Education: gender, culture, and diversity. Heidelberg. Springer. 87-104. (with Jeremy Burke) Paper

2010. presented at Waseda University, Osaka Kyoiku University & Kyoto University, Japan, October 1st, 5th & 6th, 2010. Institute of Education's International Lecture Series. ppt presentation (including detailed notes).

2010. . Working paper

2010. 'Abandoning Mathematics and Hard Labour in Schools: A New Sociology of Education and Curriculum Reform.' In C. Bergsten, E. Jablonka and T. Wedege (Eds.) Mathematics and Mathematics Education: Cultural and social dimensions.  Proceedings of Madif 7. Linköping, Sweden, SMDF. Plenary presentation. Paper, ppt

2010 'The Problem of Recontextualisation: Part 1: A Case for Abandoning Mathematics.' Presented at Matematikbiennalen 2010, Stockholm International Fairs and Congress Center, Stockholm, 28th January 2010. Paper, ppt

2010 'The Problem of Recontextualisation: Part 2: A Mode of Re-instating Mathematics.' Presented at Matematikbiennalen 2010, Stockholm International Fairs and Congress Center, Stockholm, 29th January 2010. Paper, ppt

2009 . In B. Sriraman & S. Goodchild, (Eds). Relatively and Philosophically Earnest. IAP.

2010 Doing Research/Reading Research: Re-interrogating education. Second edition. London: Routledge. (with Andrew Brown). (August 2009)

2009 Sociology as Method: departures from the forensics of culture, text and knowledge. Rotterdam: Sense.

2009 To Be Announced: On the taming of monsters.

2008 Mathematics, Myth and Method: the problem of alliteration. Presented at King's College, London. 25th November 2008.

2008 What is Mathematics? the problem of recontextualisation. Presented at University of Thessaly, Volos. 29th May 2008.

2008 Curriculum (as) Theory: Nine non-exclusionary principles and some brief commentary. Presented at the inaugural meeting of the Understanding and Theorising Curriculum Special Interest Group. Institute of Education. 12th May 2008.

2007 'Social Organising'. Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal. 21. (pp. 1-27)

(in production) 'Authority and Interaction in Formal and Informal Educational Settings.' This is a collaborative writing project that is currently in production. The file will be replaced as changes are made. Current update: 30/04/06.

(2007) 'Quixote's Science: Public heresy/private apostasy.' In Bill Atweh. et al (Eds). Internationalisation and Globalisation in Mathematics and Science Education. Cordrecht: Springer. (html)

2007 Pedagogy and Community in Three South African Schools: an iterative description. (With Andrew Brown). Chapter 7 of Dowling, P.C. (in press). Sociology as Method: Departures from the forensics of culture, text and knowledge. Rotterdam: Sense.

2007 Treacherous Departures. Chapter 4 of Dowling, P.C. (in press). Sociology as Method: Departures from the forensics of culture, text and knowledge. Rotterdam: Sense.

2006 ‘The Divorce of Schooling and Research: Towards a reconciliation in teacher education.’ Presented at Preparing Teachers for a Changing Context—An international conference, 3rd-6th May 2006, Institute of Education, University of London. (With Andrew Brown) pdf, PowerPoint presentation

2005 'A Timely Utterance' Invited contribution to the European Systemic Functional Linguistics Conference and Workshop, presented 4th August 2005.

2004 Mythologising and Organising.

2004 Mustard, Monuments and Media: A pastiche.

2004 A Shooting in Hiroshima.

2004 Eyeless in Ginza.

2004 ‘Language, Discourse, Literacy: Stability, territory and transformation’. In Culture and Learning: Access and Opportunity in the Curriculum. Mark Olssen (Ed.) Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing. (pdf file)

2004 Doctoral Studies and the End of Utopia.

2004 '(Dis)possessing Literacy and Literature: Gourmandising in Gibsonbarlowville.' The World Yearbook of Education 2004: Digital Technology, Communities and Education. A. J. Brown and N. Davis. London, Routledge. (With Chung, Soh-young and Natasha Whiteman).

2001 Social Activity Theory (working paper)

2001 ‘School Mathematics in late modernity: Beyond myths and fragmentation.’ In Socio-Cultural Research on Mathematics Education: An International Perspective. Atweh, B. et al. (Eds). Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum.

2001 ‘Reading School Mathematics Texts’. In Gates, P. (Ed). Issues in Mathematics Teaching. London: Routledge-Falmer

2000. ‘A Manifesto for Design and the Charismatic Intellectual’. Presented at Education for Social Democracies: changing forms and sites. Institution of Education, University of London. 3-6 July 2000.

1999, Basil Bernstein in Frame: 'Oh dear, is this a structuralist analysis?' Presented at Kings College London, December 1999

1999, Numeracy in Context. Presented at British Educational Research Association annual conference, September 1999

1999, A Grand Day Out Towards a Mode of Interrogation of Non-School Pedagogic Sites. Presented at British Educational Research Association annual conference, September 1999 (with Andrew Brown). Published as ‘A Grand Day Out: towards a mode of interrogation of non-school pedagogic sites’. The Curriculum Journal. 11, 2. pp. 247-271. (2000). (with Andrew Brown). Reprinted in Scott, D. (2003) (Ed). Curriculum Studies: Major Themes in Education, Volume 3. London: Routledge-Falmer. pp 525-549.

1999, Interrogating Education: texts, social activity and constructive description. Plenary presentation at Centro de Investigação em Educação da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, April 1999.

1998, The Sociology of Mathematics Education: Mathematical Myths/Pedagogic Texts. London: Falmer Press

1998, Doing Research/Reading Research: A Mode of Interrogation for Education. London: Falmer Press(with Andrew Brown)

1998, 'Towards a Sociological Analysis of Pedagogic Heritage Texts', presented at Media 98, Institute of Education, University of London, March 1998 (with Andrew Brown)

1996, 'A Sociological Analysis of School Mathematics Texts', Educational Studies in Mathematics, 31, 389-415

1996, 'Pedagogy & Community in three South African Schools: a classroom study', presented at Research into Social Perspectives in Mathematics Education, 13th June 1996 (with Andrew Brown)

1996, 'Baudrillard 1 - Piaget 0: Cyberspace, Subjectivity and The Ascension', public seminar presented at the School of Education, University of Cape Town, 24th April 1996

1995, 'Discipline and Mathematise: the myth of relevance in education', Perspectives in Education, 16, 2

1995. 'Against Utility in School Mathematics and Educational Research: a voice from the twilight zone.' Plenary presentation at the annual conference of Southern African Association for Research in Mathematics and Science Education, January 1995. Proceedings.

1991. 'A Dialectics of Determinism: deconstructing information technology.' Understanding Technology in Education. H. McKay, M. F. D. Young and J. Beynon. London, Falmer Press.

1990, Mathematics Versus the National Curriculum, Basingstoke: Falmer (edited with Richard Noss)

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